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  • Just land a VC interview? Here's an 8-step interview prep checklist to follow

Just land a VC interview? Here's an 8-step interview prep checklist to follow

Let’s land you that dream VC role! 🪄

Hi! I’m glad you’re here. You’ve made it to issue #8 of VC Demystified🪄.

My name’s Nicole - I’m a Principal at an early stage venture fund, and I know firsthand that VC can often be a black box. Breaking into the industry may feel daunting and resources can seem scarce and inaccessible. I wanted to put together a newsletter to give others the playbook I wish I had when I first started.

Thank you to those who submitted feedback last week. I loved hearing your thoughts! For those of you who haven’t had a chance to take the survey, I’d love for you to take 1 minute to complete it. Most importantly, I’d love to hear the topics you’d like me to cover in future issues. Take the chance to tell me what you’d like me to write! 

Today’s deep dive: An 8-step interview prep checklist to follow after landing a VC interview

My personal mission is to open as many doors as possible for other people and this newsletter is just one avenue to do that. As always, I will continue to post VC insights daily across my socials for those of you who prefer those channels.

VC Job Openings Preview (3 of 12)🪄 

Harlem Capital is hiring Fall Interns.
Location: Remote

Anthemis is hiring for Investment Associates.
Location: NYC or London

FJ Labs is hiring an Analyst.
Location: NYC

An 8-step interview prep checklist to follow after landing a VC interview

Have a VC interview coming up? Congrats, you’ve accomplished step one! BUT now you need to prepare for the interview.

Knowing where to start can be hard. There are many resources online that will tell you different things, but I’ve aggregated a simple checklist you can utilize to get you prepared for interview #1. This was put together leveraging my own experience and the experiences of other aspiring VCs. I’d say if you do all 8 steps of this checklist, you should be well-suited to nail nearly any first round interview.

The checklist is bucketed into 5 categories:

Bucket #1: Firm specific research you should be doing
Bucket #2: Preparation on your background & story
Bucket #3: VC market trends to study
Bucket #4: Startup pitch selection and practice
Bucket #5: Question list for your interviewer

In this issue, I’ll be giving you an easy 8-step checklist to follow to nail your first VC interview. Hopefully this relieves some interview prep stress and makes you feel more confident going into your VC interview.

Let’s get into it!

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