Aspiring VCs: 6 easy ways to stand out in a cold email to a VC

Let’s land you that dream VC role! 🪄

Hi! I’m glad you’re here. You’ve made it to issue #15 of VC Demystified🪄.

My name’s Nicole - I’m a Principal at an early stage venture fund, and I know firsthand that VC can often be a black box. Breaking into the industry may feel daunting and resources can seem scarce and inaccessible. I wanted to put together a newsletter to give others the playbook I wish I had when I first started.

Hopefully everyone has been enjoying their summers! I can’t believe we’re in August already. Be sure to take some rest and relaxation time for yourself before we head into the Fall. VC will pick up at that time!

Today’s deep dive: How to increase your chances of getting a response from a cold email to a VC as an aspiring VC

My personal mission is to open as many doors as possible for other people and this newsletter is just one avenue to do that. As always, I will continue to post VC insights daily across my socials for those of you who prefer those channels.

VC Job Openings Preview (3 of 11)🪄 

Point72 Ventures is hiring a Ventures Associate.
Location: NYC

NFX is hiring an Associate or Principal.
Location: San Francisco

Struck Studio is hiring a Venture Lead.
Location: Remote

How to increase your chances of getting a response from a cold email to a VC as an aspiring VC

When you’re first jumping into the world of VC, expanding and cultivating your network is a must. As an aspiring VC, speaking with and learning from folks who are already full-time in the industry is a great way to start acting like a VC before you are one. It allows you to entrench yourself in the ecosystem before breaking in.

It can also increase your chances of:
- Finding a mentor
- Landing an internship
- Creating your own role
- Getting hired as a full-time VC

But the tricky part is that often times when you’re just starting out, you have to reach out to VCs cold asking them to hop on a call with you since you don’t have your networks built out yet.

This is not easy, especially since those VCs are receiving a bunch more of those emails from other aspiring VCs.

So how do you increase your chances of getting a response?

I’ll tell you.

Having sat on both sides of the table, as an aspiring VC and now a full-time VC, I can share the 6 tips that I’ve seen help individuals in their outreach.

Let’s get into it!

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