3 ways to add VC experience to your resume before breaking in

Let’s land you that dream VC role! 🪄

Hi! I’m glad you’re here. You’ve made it to issue #13 of VC Demystified🪄.

My name’s Nicole - I’m a Principal at an early stage venture fund, and I know firsthand that VC can often be a black box. Breaking into the industry may feel daunting and resources can seem scarce and inaccessible. I wanted to put together a newsletter to give others the playbook I wish I had when I first started.

For those looking to break into VC, this will be your year! For those looking for funding, you’re on the cusp of closing a fundraise! And for new VCs, you’re on the precipice of sourcing the next unicorn! For everyone else, keep up the hard work! I’m so happy you’re here.

Today’s deep dive: Unique opportunities for anyone to gain VC experience without being full-time in the industry

My personal mission is to open as many doors as possible for other people and this newsletter is just one avenue to do that. As always, I will continue to post VC insights daily across my socials for those of you who prefer those channels.

VC Job Openings Preview (3 of 11)🪄 

H/L Ventures is hiring a VC Associate.
Location: NYC

F Prime is hiring an Associate.
Location: Boston

Visionaries Club is hiring a visiting analyst.
Location: Berlin, Munich or Remote

Unique opportunities for anyone to gain VC experience without being full-time in the industry

One of the hardest parts about breaking into VC is that many firms are looking for individuals who have prior VC experience. In fact, VC Unleashed just released a state of VC recruiting report that stated 68% of aspiring VCs list not having prior VC experience as their biggest blocker to breaking in.

I know what you’re thinking…

How am I supposed to gain VC experience when every role requires past VC experience?!

It’s infuriating.

I’m here to help because there are ways to add VC experience to your resume without ever having a full-time position.

In fact, I’ll share 3 opportunities with you that vary by commitment time, experience level, financial requirements + more, so you can choose what works best for you.

Let’s get into it!

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