The 10-page presentation that landed me my first full-time VC role

Welcome to the first issue of VC Demystified🪄

Hi! I’m so glad you’re here.

My name’s Nicole - I’m a Principal at an early stage venture fund, and I know firsthand that VC can often be a black box. Breaking into the industry may feel daunting and resources can seem scarce and inaccessible. I wanted to put together a newsletter to give others the playbook I wish I had when I first started.

The goal of VC Demystified🪄 is to give you tactical tips & tricks to land your dream job in VC.

You’ll be equipped with:

  • Access to additional VC job openings

  • Must-know VC & startup trends 

  • Top startups to watch

  • Potential interview questions

  • PPT & excel templates and example case studies

  • An insider look at what it’s like to work in VC

Each week, the newsletter will dive deep on an industry related topic aimed at giving you an edge in the recruiting process.

Today’s deep dive: The 10-page presentation pitching myself to the firm that landed me my FIRST full-time VC role 

VC Job Openings Preview (3 of 13)🪄 

Urban Innovation Fund is hiring a Summer Associate.
Location: SF

01 Advisors is hiring a junior investor.
Location: NYC or SF

Touchdown Ventures is hiring for multiple analyst roles.
Location: Philadelphia & SF 

The 10-page presentation that landed me my FIRST full-time VC role

I'm going to let you in on the secret to how I landed my full-time VC role with no prior VC experience nor connections.

Let me set the scene of what pushed me to create this presentation in the first place, and then I will do a full page-by-page deep dive on its contents.

I was working full-time in investment banking and doing a part-time internship with a VC firm, which was my first exposure to the world of Venture Capital. Going on my 4th year in investment banking, I was eager to find my next opportunity.

I loved the work I was doing for the VC firm, so I asked them if they would consider me for a full-time role. The answer was…no! They were still on their Fund 1 and hadn’t even started raising for their Fund 2 yet, so there were no new management fees available to afford new hires. They said their Fund 2 raise was a year out and that even once they raised, my resume would be considered alongside the heap of other applicants at that time. I had worked so hard to try and stand out as an all-star candidate and prove myself that summer, so I was bummed.

However, luck was on my side and due to many external factors, they started raising their Fund 2 a couple of months after our discussion. I knew given the acceleration in the Fund 2 raise, they’d be looking to make new hires sooner than originally intended. What hadn’t changed though was the fact that they told me I had to go through the general interview process.

I wanted to change their minds, so I knew I had to convince them on why I was the right hire. After much research and introspection, I put together a thorough presentation that won them over, which is what I’ll share with you below.

Let’s get into it!

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